Sunday 22 November 2009

Rise Against: That is all.

I should start off by putting this night into perspective. Firstly, I managed to get near the front, but was crushed up in an incredibly hot atmosphere, more so than I've ever experienced. Then my phone was stolen. Not a good night you might think.

But there you'd be wrong, because I was seeing Rise Against. They start with Collapse (Post-Amerika), one of the best of the new crop of tracks, moving on to State Of The Union, by which point I've started to lose my voice. It almost completely goes over the next few songs, Re-education (Through Labour), The Good Left Undone, Paper Wings, Drones, everyone met with thousands singing at the tops of their voices. But it doesn't stop there. Blood to Bleed, Audience Of One, Saviour, Survive, then of course Prayer Of The Refugee, for which the biggest cheer of the night goes up.

But it really comes to a climax with the first encore, an acoustic set of Swing Life Away and Hero Of War, which has everyone swaying arms and singing and leaves me with raised hairs and goosebumps. Absolutely brilliant. But it isn't over yet. Give It All then Ready To Fall see us out, and the crowd go absolutely mental again. Quite possibly, this was one of the best gigs Brixton Academy has ever seen and a fantastic night was had by all (even by me and dozens of people who queued up at the lost property area in a fruitless attempt to find our phones). 10/10

1 comment:

  1. I dislike your use of the word encore.
    An encore should be a spur of the moment thing.. when the crowd wants more, and the band are nice enough to give it to them.
    It's rock 'n' roll baby.
    Putting the encore in the set list is not an encore!
