Thursday 19 November 2009

Alice In Chains: A kinky sex show. Maybe not.

Alice In Chains
Kentish Town Forum

One of the main bands to come out of the early 90s grunge scene, though with more in common with metal than the other bands of the era, Alice In Chains are now touring in support a new album, "Black Gives Way To Blue". It's quite good, you should check it out. Anyway...

The support band for tonight are seemingly unknown, or at least most of the people there had no clue who they were. Oxford trio "Little Fish" apparently. They get off to a poor start, the opening track is rather dull, but its very much uphill from there. The singer has a powerful voice and she seems to be a little psychotic, which is always good, plus the songs get a lot better. Well worth checking out. (8/10)

Between the bands some nice fellow (read: wanker) throws a cup of liquid which splashes me and my friends in the face. It was warm. Lovely. (-200/10)

But now for the main event. As a recent convert to the Alice In Chains fold, I wasn't sure what I'd make of the gig. I had listened to some tracks and really enjoyed them, but what if everything else was rubbish? I needn't have worried. They start with It Ain't Like That, and Again, typically deep dark dirty tracks. "Them Bones" and "Dam That River" from their best album "Dirt" sound even better live and the new tracks, particularly "Check My Brain", fit in perfectly with the classics. We're treated to an acoustic set in the middle, before we go full steam ahead towards the encore, finishing with a rousing and emotional "Rooster", the screen adorned with the words "NO WAR". William DuVall proves to be a more than competent replacement for the late Layne Staley, his voice is incredibly similar and just as intoxicating. Jerry Cantrell is brilliant, harmonising beautifully with William throughout, and it turns out he's a pretty good guitarist too. A classic performance from a classic band that actually cannot really be faulted. (10/10)

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