Sunday 11 October 2009

Its good to see them squirm...

Having just started my Journalism degree at City University, I thought it would be a good idea to delve deeper into the websites of all the national papers, to properly immerse myself in the medium of online Journalism. I found some interesting things, especially this little piece from the Guardians website

As you can probably tell from the title (although you should read it too), it is about Michael Moore's new film, "Capitalism: A Love Story", and the revelation that he is a Catholic. OK, it isn't that much of a revelation, and it even mentions in the article that:

"close watchers of Moore should perhaps not have been surprised by his inclusion of Christianity in his latest movie. In fact, he has long been open about his religious beliefs and his admiration for the liberal tradition of political activism in Catholicism."

However, it is surprising to his political opponents. Conservatives have been talking about his "Socialist Secularism" in criticising his views, so the news that he is the same religion as many of them will possibly make them think again. There is a brilliant video on YouTube of an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, where Moore describes himself, rather than a Socialist, as a Christian. Upon Hannity's response of "I'm a Christian too", he asks him if he went to Mass on Sunday, and what the Gospel was. He can't answer and starts making excuses. The whole interview is here.

It doesn't surprise me either to learn that he is a Christian. Like the article states, there are many priests who would describe themselves as Anti-Capitalists, and I personally feel that, while organised religion has a lot to answer for, the teachings of Jesus are very much along socialist lines. Look at people like Tony Benn, Hugo Chavez, in someways even Archbishop Rowan Williams. Even the Labour party was built on a Christian Socialist ideal. It really has nothing to do with politics whether you believe in God or have a faith. I know plenty of Liberal/Left Wing people who do believe, and plenty who don't. I also know that a lot of Socialists respect the teachings of Jesus even if they don't believe in a god.

This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. It's only due to some weird conservative propaganda that people have this idea of left wingers being secular, and to be honest it seems mostly to be an American idea. I put myself in a loose "Christian Socialist" position (though I do agree that church and state should be more separated) because I see Jesus as a fighter for the poor and meek, with a message that has since been toyed with so much it has lost its original meaning.

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