Tuesday 12 May 2009

These here election things...

About this time every year we have some sort of election for some form of council or parliament. This year it's the turn of European Parliament and County Council (for certain areas such as mine, Surrey).

Last year was my first time voting. It may seem a it odd but i was actually quite excited about the process, although it was obvious who was going to win in my ward (don't think any party other than tory has ever won). Then I looked up my options for voting. Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, UKIP. Oh joy.

The thing that really got me, however, was that the only party who even bothered (in my area at least) to give me any info on policies and the such were UKIP, or "The fluffy version of the BNP" as I call them. No thanks.

I know for a fact that in the next ward over, the Green candidate (Johnathan Essex) was out on doorsteps talking to people. Now why could any of the candidates in my area do this? Is it because they were resigned to the fact that the tories were going to run away with it? If so, that doesn't say much for their faith in democracy.

In the end I voted in shere despair for Labour, mainly because I see myself as a bit Left wing and the Liberals around this area tend to lean more toward Conservative policy. But I really didn't know who I was voting for or why I should be doing it, which surely makes a mockery of the whole system of voting.

This year, UKIP were the first people to put their little newspaper thing through my door (though they do this regularly, again, why don't others do this?), but I've also had a leaflet from the Greens. I've read this, and I have to say i agree with much of what they stand for, but I'm still waiting for the other candidates for County elections, Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem to give me something (I should point out that the BNP are also standing my ward, but I immediately ignore them on account of them being racists and pseudo-fascists).

Europe-wise, there is a wealth of choice. The main three, The Greens, Socialist Labour, Libertas, BNP & UKIP and all the other spin off xenophobic parties, plus a couple of odd ones, namely "The Jury Team" (huh?), and "The Roman Party. AVE!" But I have yet to find out what the candidates for the South East are offering me.

So if any of the party candidates for the Redhill District of Surrey or the South East region for Europe that I haven't heard from and aren't racist/ xenophobic are reading this (ambitious for my first blog...), pleas tell me what your policies and ideas!

Thanks, and good night.

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